Housing Projects

Poverty is complex. And without a safe and stable place to live, the complexities are all the more insurmountable. LEO works to answer important research questions and build evidence that will reduce homelessness across the nation.

More than 580,000 people experience homelessness on any given night, and 1.42 million people pass through shelters every year. The Common Core of Data—using a broader definition of homelessness than traditional measures—reports that over 1.2 million K-12 students alone experience homelessness at some point each year. 

These numbers have mostly decreased since national measurement began in earnest--between 2010 and 2016, homeless counts gathered through point-in-time estimates fell by 13%. However, these numbers have drifted upwards in counts since 2016—driven by large increases in homelessness in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, and San Francisco.  

We know a lot about what works to address homelessness, but many questions still remain. How can we reduce homelessness specifically for families? How can we better work with families on the verge of homelessness, so they never have to experience it in the first place? How do we scale programs that have evidence of impact? What interventions are best suited for the many people who are experiencing homelessness in this country? What interventions produce the best return on investment?

We are working with partners across the United States to find answers to these questions and shed more light on how to reduce poverty through evidence-based programs and policies. Learn with us.   
