Seoyoon Ahn

Research Associate

Why LEO?

"Throughout my time as an economics major, I found it fascinating how quantitative methods can be used to generate causal evidence and answer important questions. LEO provides me with the unique opportunity to get directly involved with the efforts to fight poverty, working and learning alongside both researchers and service providers. With my growing interest in research, joining LEO naturally became the next step I wanted to take to further my academic and professional career."


Seoyoon works closely with research faculty and partners to evaluate the impact of services provided by non-profit organizations. As a research associate, she assists with the development and analysis stages of the projects focused on housing services. Seoyoon holds a B.A. in Honors Economics from the University of Notre Dame and hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Economics or a related field.

Phone: 574-631-4889
Office: 4013 Jenkins Nanovic Hall