Maura Hogaboom

Research Associate

Why LEO?

LEO attracted me due to its alignment with Catholic Social Teaching, particularly in the pursuit of the common good. By empowering service providers to direct projects alongside researchers, LEO emphasizes the strengths and knowledge of providers in developing and implementing anti-poverty strategies. LEO promotes radical inclusion of people in poverty in its efforts to extend the benefits of academic research and funding to vulnerable and underrepresented populations. I seek to apply my knowledge and experience to a service-based career, and LEO’s dedication to being a force for good in combating poverty provides me with a pathway toward fulfilling this goal.



Maura works with service providers and research faculty to implement multiple impact evaluations. She assists in directing projects from their initial design through data collection and analysis and to the dissemination of results. Her current projects focus on educational interventions. Maura holds a BA in Honors Economics from the University of Notre Dame, and her research interests include health and education economics.

Phone: 574-631-1908
Office: 4013 Jenkins Nanovic Hall