Lily Morrell

Research Associate

Why LEO?

“I joined LEO because I am passionate about using rigorous empirical methods to provide effective answers to complex questions. I was drawn to LEO’s approach of bridging social service providers and researchers to create causal evidence aimed at reducing poverty. It’s truly a privilege to collaborate with such passionate partners within LEO’s community, united by our shared dedication to improving lives through collective efforts.”


As a research associate, Lily works closely with research faculty and service providers to implement and analyze the impact of social service programs. Prior to joining LEO, Lily worked as a Health Policy Analyst at RTI International where she supported research on noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries. Lily has a B.S. in Economics and Business Administration from North Carolina State University.

Phone: 574-631-1669
Office: 4011 Jenkins Nanovic Hall