Cora Haskett

Research Associate

Why LEO?

"I believe that economics is a people-centered discipline. At the heart of any statistic, quarterly report, or index is an individual person within a family and community. I am honored to serve at LEO because I believe that LEO and its partners hold people at the center of our work. I believe that identifying causal relationships in the fight against poverty is key to economic equality. I admire how LEO embodies hope for a better future by recognizing those who are already fighting against poverty and amplifying their effective work."


Cora collaborates with service providers and research faculty to determine the most effective strategies against poverty. Her current projects include promoting quality of life for the incarcerated and striving for equitable educational outcomes across all income levels. She holds a B.A. in Economics from Wheaton College, IL. She aspires to attain a PhD in economics and spend all of her life learning. 

Phone: 574-631-8489
Office: 4009 Jenkins Nanovic Hall