Bridget Lautaru

Events Management Specialist

Why LEO?

"I came to LEO because its mission really spoke to me. Having attended Catholic schools for all of my education, I was taught about helping the poor and less fortunate around us. LEO is helping others to put this into action and I am excited to be a part of that, even if in a small way. It is great to be around so many people all supporting this same mission."



As Events Specialist, Bridget oversees the logistics and planning for all internal and external LEO events. Her attention to details ensures that the LEO mission is foregrounded in every experience. Bridget has worked at Notre Dame for almost ten years, most recently at the Law School where she also planned events. Prior to that she was the Graduate Program Coordinator in Biological Sciences and, for a short time, Chemical Engineering where she assisted Ph.D. students from application to defense during their time at Notre Dame. Bridget has a B.A. in Humanistic Studies and Art History from Saint Mary’s College where she spent her whole sophomore year in Rome, Italy. She is married with three children and a dog.


Phone: 574-631-2781
Office: 1020 Jenkins Nanovic Hall