Summer 2021

The Behind the Numbers Issue 

Summer 2021

Can we prevent poverty before it begins?

Targeting resources to people in need before it's too late.

Up at night

Evidence got one LEO partner started, and ongoing evidence building is helping them grow.

Calling poverty's fiercest adversaries

In a program largely written off as a failure, LEO co-founder Bill Evans saw a pathway to better health.

What the experts say: Supporting caregivers and those they serve

A small Texas nonprofit with a big vision. 

Forming the future

Undergrad research assistant Charlie Hanzel reflects on the impact of his work with LEO partner King County Metro.

Future learnings

Programs that facilitate social connection may make a big difference for America's senior citizens.

A force for good

Congressional testimony. Supporting students. Atlanta partnership. A new undergrad intern class. Working toward our commitment.

Cover of Newsletter