Intern Spotlight: Caroline McMullen

Author: Staff

LEO’s undergraduate interns gain real-world experience working on research to better understand and unleash effective poverty interventions. They work on all aspects of our projects including exploratory research, data analysis, project management, marketing and communications, and administration.

Our Summer 2021 intern class includes 14 of Notre Dame’s best and brightest students. Meet one of them now. 

Meet Caroline

Class of 2023


Caroline, a Business Analytics and Economics major from Stamford, Connecticut, serves a unique role at LEO as she joins both the LEO marketing and communications team as well as the administrative team. In her joint position between the two, she works to further LEO’s reach and make communication methods more effective. When asked how her role ties into LEO’s mission, Caroline explains, “Increasing awareness of LEO's work and purpose will help get more people involved and help LEO achieve that ultimate goal of turning the tide on poverty.”

Caroline had this to say about why she wanted to work for LEO: “In the past, I have had great experiences volunteering with Catholic service groups and working with the disadvantaged. Working with LEO provides a great opportunity to apply my interests in economic analysis and business development to impact society in a positive way.”

Outside of her work with LEO, on campus Caroline is involved with the Student International Business Council (SIBC), where she works on and leads projects in the consulting division, the Evans Scholars Chapter of ND, and her dorm community of Pasquerilla West.

We also asked Caroline about her favorite spot on campus: “Definitely the lakes! I like going on morning runs and walks when the weather is nice.”